Surah al_Lahab Translation and Tafsir in English

     Chapter No {111}.           Surah Al_Lahab            [ Flame ]



In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.            "بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم" 


                              تبت يدآ أبى لهب وتب

          1."Death to Abu Lahab's two hands, and death to him."

Ibn 'Abbas told Al-Bukhari that the Prophet travelled to the valley of Al-Batha  and climbed the mountain. 

Then he screamed, Come quickly,

 People! The Quraysh then gathered close to him. Later, he said,

Would you all trust me if I told you that the enemy was going to attack you in the morning or at night?) They responded, "Yes." Later, he said,

Truly, I've been sent to warn you all of the impending arrival of a terrible agony.) Abu Lahab then replied, "Do you have us gathered for this? May you perish!

  Allah thus revealed:

  [The two hands of (fill in the blank) shall perish.]

One of the uncles of the Prophet of Allah was this man, Abu Lahab. 'Abdul-'Uzza bin Abdul-Muttalib was his name. Because of the brilliance of his face, he was simply referred to as Abu Lahab and went by the surname Abu 'Utaybah. He used to frequently injure the Prophet of Allah. He despised him and his religion, and he detested him.

                                  مآ اغنى عنه ما له وما كسب

                  2.His children and fortune won't help him at all! 

(His wealth and Kasab's children won't help him!) According to Ibn 'Abbas and others,

(And Kasab's children won't be advantageous to him!) "Kasab refers to his offspring. According to 'A'ishah, Mujahid, 'Ata, Al-Hasan, and Ibn Sirin, a similar assertion was made. Ibn Mas'ud reported that Abu Lahab stated, "When the Messenger of Allah urged his people to Islam, "Even if what my nephew claims is true, I would use my riches and children to ransom myself (i.e., save myself) from the agonising anguish on the Day of Judgment. 

Allah thus revealed:

(His wealth and his offspring won't help him!)

Then Allah declare,

(He will step into a raging fire!) 

meaning that it is nasty, burning severely, and possesses flames.

                              سيصلى نارا ذات لهب

                3."He will walk into a fire that is raging with flames."

                                    وأمراته حمالة الحطب

                          4.And his wife, who carries wood, too!

                             فى جيدها حبل من مسد

         5. "A knotted rope of Masa is wrapped around her neck."

His wife, Umm Jamil, was one of the Quraysh's prominent female figures. She was the sister of Abu Sufyan and went by the name of 'Arwah bint Harb bin Umayyah. She encouraged her husband's scepticism, rejection, and stubbornness. She will therefore participate in dispensing his punishment on the Day of Judgment in the flames of Hell. 

Allah thus declares:

Who transports wood. She will carry the firewood and toss it at her husband to augment the amount of suffering he is already experiencing, and she will be ready and prepared to do it. (In her neck is a twisted rope of Masad.


(A twisted rope of Masad can be seen in her neck.) "From," Mujahid and 'Urwah both said.

  اللهم   صل  على  محمد  و اله  و اصحابه  بعدد  ما  فى  جميع  القران  حرفا  حرفا  و بعدد  كل  حرف  الفا  الفا

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