Surah al_Ikhlas Translation and Tafsir in English

Chapter No {112}.          Surah al_Ikhlas          [ Devotion ]

Quran Surah al Ikhlas

In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.        بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم 

1. Say: Allah, he is One!                               قل هو الله احد 

The Oneness of Allah is proclaimed in this verse. It encapsulates the core of Islam and condemns all manifestations of polytheism and idolatry. Only Allah and Allah alone is referred to in the Quran by the word "Ahad," which means "THE ONE".

2. Allah, the Eternal, the Unchangeable.             الله الصمد

As-Samad is one of Allah's Perfect characteristics that He uses to identify Himself in this verse. Another one of Allah's names is as-Samad. Various Quranic interpreters have referred to Allah as The Eternal Refuge, The Self-Sufficient, The Absolute, and the One on Whom all depend and to Whom all creation turns for the satisfaction of their needs and desires. As a result, while the entire world depends on Allah to provide its requirements, He has no need of anybody.

3. He neither bears nor was born;                  لم يلد و لم يولد

According to this verse, neither Allah nor His creation were born. In other words, He has neither a beginning nor an end. Allah is the Creator of everything, but He did not come into being through the use of any force.

Isn't it rather evident that Allah, the Supreme Authority, is superior to all else? Indeed, it is evident. But many polytheists and idolaters falsely attribute spouses, children, and grandchildren to Allah (Nauzubillah!). However, there is no space for doubt in this regard in the verse of Surah al-Ikhlas in question.

4. And no one can compare to Him.        و لم يكن له كفوا أحد 

This Surah's final verse declares that Allah is above any comparison. In other words, He is unlike everything else in nature and qualities. No one in the entire universe, no one who has ever existed, and no one who will ever exist, is equal to Allah. He is exceptional in every way.

  اللهم   صل  على  محمد  و اله  و اصحابه  بعدد  ما  فى  جميع  القران  حرفا  حرفا  و بعدد  كل  حرف  الفا  الفا

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