Surah an_Nasr Translation and Tafsir in English

      Chapter No {110}       Surah An_Nasr             [The Help]


Quran Surah


  In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.      " بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "

                            اذا جآء نصرالله والفتح

                      1. "When Allah's Help and Victory arrive,"

The conquering of Mecca is referred to as the victory in this verse. Without Allah's Assistance, victory is impossible. The only way to win is with Allah's assistance. Verily! Allah is Strong and Wise.

Allah declares in Surah al-Imran:

If Allah is your Helper, no one can defeat you. If He withholds His Help from you, who else can assist you? Let believers place their trust in Allah.

When the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah (an agreement that took place between the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the Quraysh of Mecca despite most of the articles of the treaty were against Muslims) was taking place, Allah delivered Muslims the happy news of this tremendous triumph in Surah al-Fatah. Undoubtedly, We have given you a clear victory.

After a protracted time of tribulations and endurance, Allah promised the Muslims this victory.

Ibn Abbas reported that Umar (RA) questioned the crowd, "When comes the Help of Allah (to you, O Muhammad, against your foes) and the conquering of Mecca?" in reference to Allah's statement. "It signifies the coming invasion of towns and palaces (by Muslims)," they retorted. What do you talk about?" asked Umar.

                        ورأيت الناس يدخلون فى دين الله افواجا      

     2. "You witness throngs of people entering Allah's religion."

A new chapter in the history of Islam was undoubtedly begun with the capture of Mecca. Many Arab tribes have previously resisted allying with the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). They were interested in seeing who would prevail in the conflict between him and the Quraysh. They reasoned that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not really a prophet if the Quraysh were successful. They reasoned that if he prevailed, then he must indeed be a Messenger of Allah. 

 Hazrat Amr bin Salama (RA) narrates:

And the Arabs (apart from the Quraysh) didn't convert to Islam until after the Conquest (of Mecca). they would say. Leave him (Muhammad) and his followers among the Quraysh; if he defeats them, then he is a liar.

                  فسبح بحمد ربك واستغفره إنه كان توابا

3." Praise your Lord and ask for His forgiveness since He is a God who frequently returns (in Grace and Mercy)."

 Because Allah is the One who grants victories, praise should be directed toward Him. This is why Allah commands us to rejoice in His praises and give Him thanks in this verse.

As stated in Surah al-Hijr, offering prayers (Salah) and prostrating to Allah are the best ways to proclaim His Perfection and rejoice in His Praise.

But rejoice in the praise of your Lord, and join the prostitutes (to Him).

ADDITIONALLY; as no human being is perfect, it is necessary to petition Allah for pardon for one's errors. 

For instance, Surah al-Anbiya mentions the following prayer of Prophet Yunus (PBUH):

You are the only god; you are elevated. In fact, I was among the wrongdoers.

Additionally, just as He did in Surah Nuh, Allah emphasises in this verse that He is the Most Merciful and Forgiving. Ask your Lord for forgiveness;    استغفر الله ربى من كل ذنبى و اتوب اليه

  اللهم   صل  على  محمد  و اله  و اصحابه  بعدد  ما  فى  جميع  القران  حرفا  حرفا  و بعدد  كل  حرف  الفا  الفا

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