Islamic quotes about sabr and istigfaar in English

ALLAH, command us to Sabr (patience) and seeking forgiveness (istigfaar) in Qur'an Karim. Ther are most benefit for you ......
If,  you deal the problems don't lose "Patience" and "Istigfaar". 

Islamic quotes about sabr and istigfaar

                                   Ya Allah, please give me Sabr and  forgive my sins, (Ameen)

Acceding to Quran;
        O Allah, open the doors of patience and steadfastness and let us die as Muslims.             

(Surah Al-Araf 126 ayat)

Sabr is the key of every problem and most benefit for us. It's giving us strength and happy life.

 Benefit's of Sabr:

1️⃣   It's give you free conscience. 

2️⃣   Avoiding the deception of  Shatan.

3️⃣   You have strangely believe that Allah is with you.

4️⃣   Fearing nothing but  Allah.

5️⃣   You got the strong (Eman) faith.

every time we do sin if we cry in front of Allah and say "astagfirullah". He forgives our sin and give us a chance to do better in our life.

 According to Hadith;                  

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, "If anyone constantly seeks pardon (from Allah), Allah will appoint for him a way out of every distress and a relief from every anxiety and will provide sustenance for him from where he expects not."
(Abu Dawood)

Benefit's of Istigfaar:

1️⃣  You have relief form Affliction and Punishmentn.

2️⃣  It opens the door of Blessing.

3️⃣  Soften the wrath of Allah.

4️⃣  Help supplications get  accepted.

5️⃣  It remove you sins. 

  اللهم   صل  على  محمد  و اله  و اصحابه  بعدد  ما  فى  جميع  القران  حرفا  حرفا  و بعدد  كل  حرف  الفا  الفا

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