Allah has (99) Names! First Name is Ar_Rehman. Most important and special name of All…
ALLAH , command us to Sabr (patience) and seeking forgiveness (istigfaar) in Qur'a…
Alhasan al-Basri "Know that you cannot love Allah until you love following Him (…
Chapter No {109}. Surah Al_Kafirun [The Disbelievers] In the Name…
Chapter No {110} Surah An_Nasr [The Help] In the Nam…
Chapter No {111}. Surah Al_Lahab [ Flame ] …
Chapter No {112}. Surah al_Ikhlas [ Devotion ] In the Name of Alla…
Chapter No {113}. Surah Al_Falaq [Daybreak] In the Name of Al…
Chapter No {114}. Surah Al_Naas [Mankind] In the Name of All…